Archive for February, 2011

Looking out the window this morning I did not want to go out for a walk, but I made a commitment. When I stepped outside I wanted to turn around and go back in. It was raining, not drizzling, raining…and windy. I was determined to get over to the tree and take a photo so on I went. Before long, I noticed that because of the raindrops pelting me in the face I was walking faster than normal. Not necessarily a bad thing. I pushed forward, took the picture and decided to head back. A forty minute walk is much better than nothing.

Since certain family members had been bugging me about taking pictures that include me, I attempted to get a decent one of myself. This is the best I could come up with. Plus, it gives you an idea of how much it was raining.

I actually really like this one, too. Technically, it is a picture of me…just reflected in the puddle.

On my way back, I saw this person and thought, “They came prepared…and probably aren’t from around here.” I don’t know too many Oregonians that actually use umbrellas, unless they’re originally from someplace else.

So you may be wondering what this all has to do with the title of this post. The fact that the unpleasant rain made me push harder got me thinking. We need adversity in life. If we were all perfect, we wouldn’t, but we’re not. It’s the hard times or the discouraging people that give us the opportunity to grow, but the choice is up to us. We can let ourselves get beat down or we can push harder and rise to the occasion.

If we allow others to define us and believe them when they say we can’t transform into something better, we become weaker and weaker. Soon we start talking to ourselves the same way those who want to see us fail do. But enough is enough! We can choose to be our own biggest cheerleader and find pleasure in overcoming obstacles. It’s not easy, especially if we’ve been our own worst enemy. It takes passion and drive so get mad about it! Decide that the negative thoughts that lead to negative actions stop now. We deserve better.

It’s time to refocus all that energy that’s been wasted on worrying about what others think or disasters that may never happen. It’s time to make better use of the 24 hours we’ve been given each day. No more wasting hour after hour in mindless activity that only serves as an escape from our real lives. Let’s make our lives exciting and fulfilling by changing the way we look at ourselves and the world around us.

Instead of watching TV or playing video games, why not workout? Instead of spending time online planting virtual crops or helping your friends build a new stove that only requires one click of the mouse instead of three, why not reach out to someone new and see if there’s some way you can help them navigate through life? We’ve all been through something that someone else is experiencing and could use some guidance.  And with the economy the way it is, there’s always a need for volunteers in the communities where we live.

It’s time to stop giving in and giving up. Let’s be thankful for the challenges we face because they give us a chance to grow and become stronger. Identify your biggest weakness and decide you’re going to turn it into a strength. It will mean getting out of your comfort zone and maybe even encountering opposition, but it will be worth it. Well, what are you waiting for?

Starting a new phase today. Didn’t quite know what to expect, but I’m in love!

Standard Bicep Curl – 20lbs/6 reps

Standard Squat – 25lbs/8 reps

Single-Arm Bent-Over Tricep Extension – 15lbs/8 reps

V-Press Biceps – 15lbs/6 reps + 3 extreme

Single Leg Squat – 20lbs/8 reps + 3 extreme

Overhead Tricep Extension – 25lbs/8 reps + 3 extreme

Hammer Biceps – 15lbs/8 reps + 3 extreme

Heel Squat – 20lbs/8 reps + 3 extreme

Push-Ups – 6 on knees + 3 extreme

Oh yeah…that’s what I’m talkin’ about!

This morning I decided that trying to measure, count and weigh everything I’m eating is just too much for me in my current mental state so I’m posting what I ate, maybe with approximate amounts. I’ll be back to normal soon enough. Just trying to make this work without going crazy. Just like with working out, sometimes you have to modify. Doing something is better than doing nothing.

Breakfast – Chocolate Shakeology made with 8oz water, 4oz 1% organic milk, 2 ice cubes (let the kids pick the flavor and once again they went with plain chocolate)

AM Snack/Post-workout!! YAY!! – 1 scoop P90X Results and Recovery Drink

Really Late Lunch – some yakisoba noodles, maybe 2c, with about 10 broccoli florets, 10 or so slices zucchini, um…12? slivers of onion, 10ish teriyaki meatball quarters, and enough teriyaki sauce to make it taste good

PM Snack/Dinner I guess – 2 slices whole grain white bread, probably 6 extra thin slices turkey, 1 slice colby jack cheese, however much mustard my son put on for me, and somewhere between 1 and 2Tbs mayo (the good, full-fat kind…none of that fat-free crap that shouldn’t even be called mayo) and a dark chocolate cherry healthy granola bar that didn’t really taste that great.

Dessert – some of the brownies I made for my family (as if I was going to make brownies and not eat ANY…maybe on another day when my brain is functioning properly, but today) and I really do mean some, not everything I didn’t give them. There’s still around half left in the pan. That’s a 9×13 pan and a mini spatula, not some gigantic pan.

See? Also had THREE mini Peppermint Patties (not 6 or 9 or 12) and a cup of coffee made with Trader Joe’s Vanilla non-dairy creamer because I made it for my husband, but he went to sleep instead and I hate wasting things. Am I the only one who gets really thirsty after drinking coffee? Right now, at 8:51pm, I don’t think I could eat another bite, but I feel like I could drink a swimming pool…without chlorine. No, that would be gross either way. Forget the swimming pool. I’m just really, really thirsty.

Total calories – I dunno, Protein, Carbs, Fat, Fiber – also ??

Total calories burned as of 8:59pm – 2073 and will probably burn another 300ish just from being alive. I’ll update if it ends up being much different.

Sumo Squat with Overhead Press – 17.5lbs/10 reps (heavier, fewer reps)

Lunge with Calf Raise – 25lbs/12 reps (heavier, same reps)

Squat with Lateral Raise – 12.5lbs/10 reps (heavier, fewer reps)

Lunge with Frontal Press – 15lbs/10 reps (same weight, fewer reps)

Squat with Calf Raise – 20lbs/12 reps (same weight, same reps)

Sumo Squat with Delt Raises – 10lbs/12 reps (same weight, same reps)

Squat with Double Overhead Press – 15lbs/10 reps + 3 extreme (same weight, same reps)

Lunge with Lateral Raise – 10lbs/12 reps + 3 extreme (same weight, same reps)

Sumo Squat with Calf Raise – 20lbs/12 reps + 3 extreme (heavier, same reps)

Want to see what I did last week? Click here. Now on to the Push Phase!

Sumo Squat with Bicep Curls – 17.5lbs/12 reps (same weight, more reps)

Lunge with One-Arm Tricep Extension – 12.5lbs/12 reps (same weight, more reps)

Dead Lift Row – 20lbs/12 reps (heavier, more reps)

Sumo Squat with Overhead Tricep Extension 20lbs/12 reps (same weight, more reps)

Dead Lift with Double Row – 17.5lbs/10 reps (same weight, same reps)

Bowler’s Lunge with Single-Arm Row – 17.5lbs/12 reps (same weight, more reps)

Bicep Curls with Abductor Balance – 15lbs/12 reps + 3 extreme (same weight, more reps)

Forward-Lean Lunge with Double Row – 20lbs/12 reps + 3 extreme (heavier, same reps)

Triple-Threat Push-Ups – 12 reps on knees + 3 extreme (same)

Want to see what I did last week? Click here.

Sumo Squat with Hip Lift – 25lbs/12 reps (heavier, same reps)

Lunge with Posterior Fly – 15lbs/12 reps (same weight, more reps)

Push-Up with Leg Lift – 10 on knees (more reps)

Dead Lift with Posterior Fly – 10lbs/12 reps (same weight, same reps)

Lunge with Core Rotation – 25lbs/12 reps (same weight, same reps)

Bench Press nd Leg Lower – 15lbs/12 reps/10 leg lowers (less weight, more reps) Oops, didn’t check sheet for last week’s weight and went too light.

Squat with Side Bend – 25lbs/10 reps + 3 extreme (heavier, fewer reps)

Forward-Lean Lunge with DBL Arm Post Fly – 10lbs/12 reps + 3 extreme (same weight, same reps)

Chest Fly with Hip Lift – 15lbs/12 reps + 3 extreme (same weight, same reps)

Want to see what I did last week? Click here.

Sumo Squat with Overhead Press – 15lbs/12 reps (same weight, more reps)

Lunge with Calf Raise – 20lbs/12 reps (heavier, same reps)

Squat with Lateral Raise – 10lbs/12 reps (same weight, same reps)

Lunge with Frontal Press – 15lbs/12 reps (same weight, same reps)

Squat with Calf Raise – 20lbs/12 reps (heavier, same reps)

Sumo Squat with Delt Raises – 10lbs/12 reps (same weight, same reps)

Squat with Double Overhead Press – 15lbs/10 reps + 3 extreme (same weight, same reps)

Lunge with Lateral Raise – 10lbs/12 reps + 3 extreme (same weight, same reps)

Sumo Squat with Calf Raise – 15lbs/12 reps + 3 extreme (same weight, same reps)

Want to see what I did last week? (although, most was the same) Click here for Week 2.

Sumo Squat with Bicep Curl – 17.5lbs/10 reps (heavier, fewer reps)

Lunge with One-Arm Tricep Extension – 12.5lbs/10 reps (heavier, fewer reps)

Dead Lift Row – 17.5lbs/10reps (heavier, fewer reps)

Sumo Squat with Overhead Tricep Extension – 20lbs/11 reps (same weight, more reps)

Dead Lift with Double Row – 17.5lbs/10 reps (heavier, same reps)

Bowler’s Lunge with Single-Arm Row – 17.5lbs/10 reps (heavier, fewer reps)

Bicep Curls with Abductor Balance – 15lbs/10 reps (same weight, fewer reps)

Forward-Lean Lunge with Double Row – 17.5lbs/12 reps + 3 extreme (heavier, same reps)

Triple-Threat Push-Ups – 12 on knees + 3 extreme (more reps)

Want to see what I did last time? Click here.

I weighed in this morning, not because I wanted to, but because it’s my day to do so and I have to stay accountable. I was up 3 lbs from last week. Hmm. Thinking about this logically, there’s no way I gained 3 lbs of fat, even with my latest indiscretions. Weight fluctuates constantly and I’ve been building muscle and half of what I ate the night before was probably still in my stomach (ewww) AND I’ve eaten about a month’s worth of sodium in the past week so at least part of it has to be water weight. Whatever. In the grand scheme of things it’s not that big of a deal…as long as it doesn’t continue.

I decided to do two shakes today hoping it would help with the crazy craving I’ve been having at night. My usual morning one gets me through just fine until late afternoon, but after dinner is when it all goes to….wherever. Only on “these” days, though. When I’m myself, I do just fine at night with a little help from my willpower. Anyway, the second shake definitely helped with the cravings. It was my own self-sabotaging tendencies that got me.

Pre-breakfast – 1 banana (needed something so my metabolism would kick into gear, but wasn’t ready to make my shake before my 7:30am non-“group” walk because the kids still weren’t up yet – and I still wasn’t going to wash the blender twice)

Breakfast – Chocolate Shakeology made with 8oz water, 4oz 1% organic milk, a little vanilla extract and a dash of cinnamon

AM Snack – P90X Chocolate Peanut Butter protein bar

Lunch – Greenberry Shakeology made with 10oz Stash mango passionfruit tea, 4oz mango puree from Trader Joe’s, 1 packet Truvia, 5 ice cubes, 1 scoop Shakeology Fiber Boost

PM Snack – 1 1/2c sliced cucumber, 1/4c hummus, 2 97% fat-free Hebrew National hot dogs, 2Tbs Simply Heinz ketchup (I don’t know why I can’t get this to go to the left, but I’m wasting time trying to figure it out)

Appetizer – my younger son set up a cafe on our deck while I took my older son to his basketball game and when we got home he had cheese and crackers set out for us (yes, it was 33 degrees, but I ate it out there anyway because I didn’t want him to think I didn’t appreciate it) 8 Saltine crackers, 1 wedge Weight Watchers spreadable Swiss cheese

Dinner – (which we picked up on the way home not knowing my son was making food for us) 1 Taco Bell 7-Layer burrito, 1 Taco Bell bean burrito

I was feeling totally fine and satisfied and then that thing kicked in where I started thinking about all the stuff I couldn’t have. This is why dieting fails. The more you try and restrict yourself, the more you obsess until you just give in. By the time I’d eaten the Taco Bell, I’d consumed about 2300 calories which would hardly be considered “dieting”. Normally, I would’ve been more than fine with that. But not this day. Oh no. I just had to have 3 more of those mini Peppermint Patties…dessert. Those 3 turned into 6 and then I stopped counting. I honestly have not idea what my final calorie count was so I’ll just show you what it would’ve been had I stopped after those first 3 Peppermint Patties. (Notice that other than walking, I’ve not mentioned a post-workout drink for a few days. That’s because I’ve not done ChaLEAN Extreme for three days. This has to stop immediately. I can feel myself being pulled back into that cycle and I’m going to fight it with everything I’ve got.)

Total calories through the 3 Peppermint Patties – 2437, Protein – 116 grams, Carbs – 379 grams, Fat – 63 grams, Fiber – 48 grams

Protein 18%, Carbs 59%, Fat 23%

Had I stopped there I would’ve actually had a deficit. Total calories burned – 2629.

If yesterday was an epic fail, then today was only marginally better, but at least I figured out why. I said I felt like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and today was basically a repeat. I’ve come to the conclusion that he actually just had PMS. If you’re one of those guys who still thinks women just use PMS as an excuse for acting insane, sorry, but I think you’re the one that’s insane. I have no desire to feel like I have almost no control over myself, whether it’s with eating or attitude. About the time I was eating my 6th mini peppermint patty I put the pieces together. My general unsettled feeling, irritability and insatiable appetite plus the date equals a serious hormonal imbalance and it’s a force to be reckoned with. So here we go again…

Breakfast – Chocolate Shakeology made with 8oz water, 4oz 1% organic milk, 1Tbs peanut butter, ice

AM Snack – P90X Chocolate Peanut Butter protein bar

Lunch – 2/3c Morningstar Farms recipe crumbles, 1tsp olive oil, 2c diced zucchini, 3/4c Prego Heart Smart Traditional sauce, 1 1/2c whole wheat potato gnocchi (I took several photos, but none turned out looking very appetizing even though it was really good.)

PM Snack – 1/3 of a Pink Lady apple, 1/2 slice crushed wheat sourdough, 1/2 slice colby jack cheese, 2 slices extra thin turkey

Dinner – 1 banana which I ate while making actual dinner because I felt like I was going to eat everything in sight again, 2 jalapeno chicken sausages, 2c frozen green beans cooked with Pam and sprinkled with Kosher salt, 2 1/2 Tbs. light sour cream that I dipped the sausage slices in, 3Tbs salsa, 1oz stoneground yellow corn tortillas

Dessert/Train wreck – 3 mini Peppermint Patties, 3 more mini Peppermint Patties (It was here I realized I was PMSing and decided to just go with it instead of stressing myself out more and beating myself up. Not sure if it was a good choice, but it was the one I made. It is what it is. Next time, I’m going to have another Shakeology for lunch because it’s the only thing that helps me deal with cravings and I need all the help I can get on days like this.) 6 Hot n’ Spicy chicken wing sections, 3 more mini Peppermint Patties, about 20 Fresh Gourmet croutons, popcorn (probably around 6c, not really sure) and finally, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich my dear, sweet son made for me because he had no idea how much I had already eaten. I couldn’t bring myself to refuse his gift and figured it couldn’t be that much worse than what I’d already done.

What’s crazy is that there used to be times when I ate all…day…long. No doubt racking up 5,000+ calories and getting zero exercise. So, I guess I’ve made some progress. That’ my attempt at being positive despite my overall negative attitude with will pass in a few days. It is what it is.

Total calories – 3364, Protein – 148 grams, Carbs – 459 grams, Fat – 118 grams, Fiber – 53 grams

Protein 17%, Carbs 52%, Fat 31%

Doesn’t really look like I did better than yesterday, but I actually burned more calories so the bottom line was slightly better.

Total calories burned 3175, surplus of 189