A lot of people have been asking me lately about my opinion of Shakeology and how much I like it. So let me just make this clear. I’m a total addict and think it’s the absolute best meal replacement/protein shake out there (and I’ve tried a lot of them). To illustrate my point, here’s a photo of my shoes. Notice the gaping hole. I’m not saying my addiction has made it so I can’t afford new shoes. You see, I hate to waste things and I hate buying things unless I absolutely have to. I had another pair of shoes that I owned for about 7 years. I loved them, but I finally gave them up when they were literally falling off my feet and I could no longer hide the fact that they were falling apart. Have I replaced them? Nope. The other shoes I have are just fine for now (although my black flats are starting to fall apart and the soles are wearing very thin). If I find myself absolutely needing new ones I will buy them.

Here’s another example of how much I hate spending money. I used to have horrible, no, excruciating pain in my arches due to them being quite high and having a job that required being on my feet on a concrete floor all day. It got so bad that I actually crawled around my house when I got home from work and it often brought me to tears. This went on for years. Did I go to the doctor? Nope. Not until my husband made me. Did I have insurance? Yep. I just didn’t want to shell out the co-pay. When I finally did go I found out that I had heel spurs and agreed to wear custom insoles. Fifty dollars. Worth it, but I still hated paying for them.

I’m not saying this behavior is normal or even healthy. I think I’m this way because I grew up in a wealthy home, getting basically everything I wanted…except for a nice, normal, happy childhood. I also watched my mother waste away a fortune trying to find happiness. In my own strange way I’m trying to balance things out and realize I’ve gone to the opposite extreme. Don’t worry, my kids have everything they need and they have plenty of toys, too. They are not deprived in any way.  They could even stand to give away more than a few things that they hardly ever play with. But when it comes to things for myself I am obsessed with spending as little as possible. I even have a habit of saving all the healthy food for them and eating cheap junk myself just to save money.

So back to Shakeology. When I first heard about it I was intrigued. I could see the benefits and knew it would be perfect for me as I work on getting down to my goal weight, being healthy and having more energy, but I couldn’t bring myself to spend the money on it. Over the next few months I just couldn’t stop thinking about it and finally gave in. I’ve been hooked ever since. As a coach I pay $3 a serving and to me it’s worth every penny. I’d pay twice that!

Now, knowing how I feel about spending money on myself for unnecessary things, do you really thing I’d be drinking Shakeology everyday if I didn’t absolutely love it? Of course not!! And like I said, my kids are lacking nothing. They get a shake split between them everyday, too, and not one of us has gotten sick since we started in October of last year. For me that means not having to debate whether or not I’m really sick enough to go see a doctor and spend that extra money, especially since I no longer have insurance. Believe me, those decisions can really stress me out and my husband, too. It drives him crazy the way I won’t spend money on myself. So having Shakeology in our lives has been nothing but a good thing. I hope I’ve made that very clear to anyone who wants to know if I like it. It’s not that I like it, I looooooove it.

If you want to see what the big deal is all about, hover your mouse over my picture there on the right and you’ll see a link for The Healthiest Meal of the Day. If you have any questions or would like to try it before ordering some for yourself feel free to comment or contact me on facebook or twitter.