Note to self – don’t wait two days to log in your food because you’re not going to remember everything. But regardless of what I did eat and forgot, the important thing is what I didn’t eat. My son had a post-season party at Dairy Queen and not only did I have a salad (don’t expect a good salad from an ice cream place), but I didn’t eat any ice cream. And honestly, I wasn’t even tempted. Since I’ve been drinking Shakeology, my cravings for stuff like ice cream and candy has almost completely gone away. Every once in a while I find myself wanting an unhealthy treat, but most of the time I’m craving healthy food. Weird, I know.

Breakfast – Chocolate Shakeology made with 8oz water, 4oz 1% organic milk, 6 pecan halves and a little butter/nut flavoring

AM Snack – P90X Chocolate Peanut Butter protein bar (these probably help me not want junk food because they taste like a candy bar, but have 20 grams of protein and are sweetened with brown rice syrup and evaported cane juice invert syrup and have tons of vitamins and minerals)

Lunch – 1 Mission Low-Carb Plus Medium tortilla, 3 slices natural honey turkey, 1 slice Alpine Lace light provolone, 2tsp yellow mustard, about 6 slices pepperoncinis, 3 lettuce leaves

PM Snack – 1 small banana and ? I think I ate something else, but don’t remember what

Dinner – grilled chicken salad from DQ minus the nasty bacon they put on there (I don’t eat pork, but even if I did, that stuff did not look right) with honey mustard dressing (about half the tub)

PM Snack – ? something, just don’t remember what

Total calories – ? Less than it would’ve been if I had eaten a Blizzard 😉

Total calories burned – 3562 (took a really long walk which I still have to post pictures from)