I love TurboFire and P90X and now I’ve started  ChaLEAN Extreme. Such a fantastic program! If you want more info about it or any of the other programs find me on facebook. After just one week I can already see a difference. Today is Week 2 Day 2 and technically a rest day. Just couldn’t resist getting outside for a long walk, though. I can remember living each day on the couch with barely enough energy or motivation to get up and go to the bathroom.  Now that I’m working out, drinking Shakeology and have lost over 60 lbs I just want to get up and move!

The sad thing about being overweight and out of shape is that you live in a perpetual vicious cycle of doing nothing which makes you exhausted which makes it even harder to get up and do something about it. Everyone in the cycle will stay there until they get some sort of wake-up call. For me, it was seeing pictures my brother took when he came to visit. YIKES!!!

Enough is enough!

Those were size 26 jeans and they were tight on my waist as you can see from the picture. If I tried to wear those now they would fall off of me. : ) Keep checking back for current pictures.